Command-Line interface ====================== Pyrodigal comes with a command-line interface (CLI) that can be used as a drop-in replacement to the original ``prodigal`` executable. While using the API is recommended to get the most out of Pyrodigal, the CLI can be useful to benefit from performance enhancements of Pyrodigal inside workflows or shell scripts. Changes from Prodigal --------------------- The Pyrodigal CLI behaves mostly like the Prodigal CLI, with the following exceptions: - The input file for Pyrodigal can only be in FASTA format, GenBank is not supported. - Pyrodigal supports getting the input sequences through a pipe to *stdin*, however the stream cannot be compressed. - The GenBank output of Pyrodigal is a full GenBank record including the input sequence, unlike Prodigal which only outputs the features section. Flags ----- The Pyrodigal CLI has all the flags of the original CLI: .. code-block:: text -a trans_file Write protein translations to the selected file. -c Closed ends. Do not allow genes to run off edges. -d nuc_file Write nucleotide sequences of genes to the selected file. -f output_type Select output format. -g tr_table Specify a translation table to use. -i input_file Specify FASTA input file. -m Treat runs of N as masked sequence and don't build genes across them. -n Bypass Shine-Dalgarno trainer and force a full motif scan. -o output_file Specify output file. -p mode Select procedure. -s start_file Write all potential genes (with scores) to the selected file. -t training_file Write a training file (if none exists); otherwise, read and use the specified training file. In addition, the following *new* flags can be used to control the new features of Pyrodigal, such as multi-threading or smaller gene prediction: .. code-block:: text -j jobs, --jobs jobs The number of threads to use if input contains multiple sequences. --min-gene MIN_GENE The minimum gene length. --min-edge-gene MIN_EDGE_GENE The minimum edge gene length. --max-overlap MAX_OVERLAP The maximum number of nucleotides that can overlap between two genes on the same strand. This must be lower or equal to the minimum gene length. --no-stop-codon Disables translation of stop codons into star characters (*) for complete genes. --pool {thread,process} The sort of pool to use to process genomes in parallel. Processes may be faster than threads on some machines, refer to documentation. (default: thread) Piping ------ Pyrodigal supports reading the input through a pipe: .. code-block:: console $ wget '' -O- | pyrodigal -a proteins.faa If an input is given with the `-i` flag, it takes priority over the pipe.